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Compliance and Reporting

Compliance with the SXU Tobacco-Free Campus Policy is the shared responsibility of all SXU staff, students and faculty members. The success of this policy depends upon the courtesy, respect and cooperation of users and non-users of tobacco products. The only way to ensure a tobacco-free environment is for everyone to be actively involved with enforcement.

Approaching a Tobacco User

Faculty, staff and students who see individuals smoking on University grounds may respectfully inform these individuals of the University policy prohibiting tobacco use anywhere on University grounds.

"Excuse me, I want to let you know that SXU is a tobacco-free campus and that _______ is not permitted on campus grounds."

Be sure to use the SMOKE approach:

  • SMILE.
  • MAKE THE ASSUMPTION that they do not know about the policy.
  • OFFER the person information about our policy.
  • KINDLY ask them to dispose of their tobacco.
  • EXIT if the situation is uncomfortable, or if the person continues to smoke, report the violation.

If the person does not comply with your request, or you do not feel comfortable approaching them, please report the violation using the steps below.


There are several options for reporting a violation of our Tobacco-Free Campus Policy:

  • Call Public Safety at 773-298-4400 to report someone actively violating the policy.
  • Use our reporting form below to report:
    • The location of a violation. This is a good option if you wish to remain anonymous and/or you do not know the name of the person in violation of the policy.
    • A "hot spot" location. A "hot spot" would be a location on campus in which you notice a regular pattern of smoking, vaping or tobacco use (e.g. "By the chapel" or "the balcony near the Fourth Floor Boardroom in Warde").
    • A specific person violating the policy. If you report an individual by name you must identify yourself on the reporting form.
  • Email

Tobacco-Free Noncompliance Reporting Form

Please use our form to report a hot spot of tobacco use on campus anonymously; or you may report a specific individual who is using tobacco, but to do so, you must identify yourself.